12 October 2008

Wordia.com - the dictionary with a difference!

Here's an interesting new web site which I discovered this week. It's called wordia and is a dictionary with a difference.

As well as giving you standard definitions, this innovative site allows ordinary folks (like you and me) to upload our very own definitions of our favourite words.

These can be as straightforward or quirky as you like - the site doesn't seem to have an obvious commercial goal - and it's certainly fun to check out some of the videos.

The site was featured on BBC World last week and after I created a couple of vids and uploaded them I got a comment from the very guy (one of the founders) who had just been interviewed.

As we've been talking a lot about Web 2.0 and creating simple videos recently, this could be a great way to put your skills to the test. It's so easy it's not true!

You need:

a free Wordia account
a free You Tube account
a free movie maker (e.g. Windows Movie Maker on all PCs)
a webcam on your computer

You have to open your You Tube account but you don't load your video onto You Tube - you upload it straight onto Wordia, who put it on your You Tube account for you. They don't want any fancy editing or anything - just the raw video of you defining your favourite words.

Why not give it a go? I've done mini-vids for 'hotchpotch', 'because' and 'shit' so far - let me know what you think!